2024 Design Excellence Awards


 Submission window is open and deadline extended!

Categories listed below.

Registration runs:

September 5th - January 26th

Residential Categories

-Powder Room

-Bathroom 150 SF and under

-Bathroom 151 SF and over

-Bedroom Suite

-Kitchen 250 SF and under

-Kitchen 351 - 400 SF

-Kitchen 401 and over

-Multiple Rooms/Entire Residence, 1,000 SF and under

-Multiple Rooms/Entire Residence, 1,001 - 3,000 SF

-Multiple Rooms/Entire Residence, 3,001 - 6,000 SF

-Multiple Rooms/Entire Residence, 6,001 SF and over

-Singular Living / Special Purpose Space, 300 SF and under

-Singular Living / Special Purpose Space, 301 - 600 SF

-Singular Living / Special Purpose Space, 601 SF and over

-Show House Room or Model Home Room

-Vacation Home

-Specialty -Yacht, Plane, RV, Tiny house under 600SF (must be detached and mobile)

-Children's Bedroom/Youth Space

-Use of Color - Any Space

Residential Or Commercial

-Custom Designed Object / Detail

-Historic Restoration / Preservation

-Sustainable Design

-Universal Design


Commercial / Non-Residential Categories

-Corporate Small - 15,000 SF and under

-Corporate Large - 15,000 SF and over


-Hospitality - Living

-Hospitality - Service



Student Categories

-Student Commercial

-Student Residential

Date and Time

12:01 AM – 5:00 PM
9/5/2023 – 1/26/2024


